ShareAction published 2021 Responsible Lobbying report to implement the Responsible Lobbying Framework

ShareAction is a UK-registered charity, working with investors, policymakers and individuals to define responsible investment standards and drive change. The organisation has published a 2021 Responsible Lobbying report earlier this year adopting the RLF. The report outlined the policies they have engaged with in the UK and the EU, and initiatives to promote a responsible investment system in 2021.

The report is well delivered to follow the RLF Principle 2 – Transparency, notably, by disclosing the stakeholders contacted, including policymakers, research and advisory groups, briefings and consultation responses published, as well as providing details on their positions held and meetings conducted in relation to the policies.

How organisations, companies and communities adopt the RLF and the reporting formats will inevitably vary, depending on the nature and undertakings of the individual organisations. The ShareAction report is a good example of entities whose work is predominantly consultative and research-based to hold themselves accountable for responsible policy engagement. We also welcome companies from industries to develop their own format and report to a high standard, for example, by disclosing information on relevant expenditures and oversight of third-party activities, etc.


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